
Phalcon MVC Framework and Website Speed

Previously, this blog was written atop the excellent Kohana HMVC framework, and worked perfectly well. Recently, a colleague directed me to Phalcon, which states it is “The fastest PHP Framework”. Bold claims indeed! Since I didn't have any new projects on the horizon, I decided to rewrite my (admittedly very simplistic) blog using Phalcon to see how fast it would run, and also to see how easy Phalcon was to pick up.

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Phalcon MVC Framework and Website Speed

PHP 5.5 New Feature Demos

PHP 5.5 was released the other day, and I had a little repo set up to test out some of the new features. I thought I might as well share it, since it didn't take long and might help a few people out. You can view it on GitHub.

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PHP 5.5 New Feature Demos

Sendmail on Development Machines

Lately, I've been working a lot with mail scripts, which may use PHP's mail() function, or in some cases may even talk directly to sendmail. In order to make sure I don't accidentally email any customers, I use Rob Allen's script to reformat emails so they always go to my mailbox, and nowhere else.

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Sendmail on Development Machines

Relative URLs in Javascript - A Solution

I've previously written about absolute and relative paths in web development, and this follow-up post is here to show the method I've been using to get around the problem.

The secret sauce is the old HTML <base> tag. Simply output this in the <head> section of your template, with the href attribute set to the full URL of your site's root, then you can use a simple helper function like the one below to build full URLs in your javascript!

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Relative URLs in Javascript - A Solution
Mat Gadd