The tale of JSONModel and the type-hinted arrays

Lately, I've been working a lot with JSON (see Intro-to-jq), and this led me to the excellent Objective-C library, JSONModel.

One thing I couldn't find documented was how I could type-hint array properties so that I didn't need to manually cast them to the type I knew JSONModel was producing.

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The tale of JSONModel and the type-hinted arrays

Intro to jq

General usage

$ jq --help
jq - commandline JSON processor [version 1.4]
Usage: jq [options] <jq filter> [file...]
For a description of the command line options and
how to write jq filters (and why you might want to)
see the jq manpage, or the online documentation at

Try looking at raw json

cat data.json

Pretty ugly, right? Let's see if we can't make it more readable.

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Intro to jq
Mat Gadd