
The tale of JSONModel and the type-hinted arrays

Lately, I've been working a lot with JSON (see Intro-to-jq), and this led me to the excellent Objective-C library, JSONModel.

One thing I couldn't find documented was how I could type-hint array properties so that I didn't need to manually cast them to the type I knew JSONModel was producing.

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The tale of JSONModel and the type-hinted arrays

iOS Mail and Self-Signed Certificates

I've recently been getting warnings on my iPhone and iPad telling me that my email server is using a self-signed certificate. Now, normally this wouldn't be a problem, I'd just tap the button to "Trust" my certificate and carry on. Strangely, there is no longer an option to do this. I'm not sure when this changed, or if indeed it has changed.

There are a bunch of folks discussing it on the Apple Support Forums, with various fixes and workarounds, none of which worked for me. I did, however, find a way to fix my particular problem...

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iOS Mail and Self-Signed Certificates
Mat Gadd